Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Twitter: Why should you learn how to use this social media tool

I joined Twitter in January 2009 with this account because a professor of mine recommended I do so. Her name? Ellen Mrja.
In March of 2010, I wanted a more professional account, so I made this one. It's to the point and also reflects my 'professional' purpose on twitter.

Why should you join Twitter though? Well, why did you join band when you were in 5th grade? Why do you run? Why do you like to hang out with friends?

The answer to these questions is simple: each of these (or whatever extra curricular activites you joined was something you were interested in) was an environment (or activity) you enjoyed.
--> Band: you had to learn how the difference between quarter notes, eighth notes and you had to pick an instrument to join band. Oh and liked music!
--> Running: it makes you feel good, toned and keeps you energized.
--> Friends: Ummm...pretty self explanatory. But hopefully your friends keep you on your toes and keep you wanting more out of life and make you a better person.

Do you see where this is going?

You should join Twitter because it's a tool in social media and you're a person whose curious/into social media...or professor Ellen Mrja told you to. :)
But seriously, it's also another way to interact with someone or multiple people in real time. Think of it like text messaging, except you're on your computer or maybe you're on your cell phone.

There are so many topics people talk about on Twitter as well. One thing you might be missing, but you'll find your way in time? The right people to engage with. Below is a guide, if you will, of the simple steps I've broken down so you can understand Twitter more. Hopefully I didn't miss anything, however, if you have questions, please ask. There's never a dumb question in social media. If you're too embarrassed to ask publicly, e-mail me:

Basics of Twitter:

Here's roughly how your bio should represent you:
- w
ho are you and why should I listen/follow you
- easy to 'digest' and allows your followers to understand what you currently do
overall; remember to be you

Your bio will evolve as you choose to evolve. Update it and let people know about it, if you wish! You can change it daily if you want but make sure there's a reason you're doing so and every time you change it, it better be reflecting who you really are. Heck, if you don't let people in, how are they supposed to get to know you?! Plus, if you have a blog (or a website) you can include that link in your bio!!

If you sell organic products and you're tweeting about Lady GaGa's performance on MTV more than you're giving helpful advice to your followers (helloooooooo that's why they're following you!!), then you're going to lose credibility fast. Then again, maybe that's a topic/moment you're having with one of your followers. As long as you're tweeting back and forth with someone, I'd say you're in the safe zone but everyone has an opinion. I've done this before...not in regards to GaGa, but hopefully you understand what I mean.

People will always talk and you have the power to give them something to talk about. Make sure you're leaving good karma and when you actually decide to meet people in real life from Twitter, hopefully you've been true to yourself all along on Twitter because that will be the biggest "make it" or "break it" point.
I've met a few great individuals in real life and let me tell you, the relationships I've formed are perfect because I'm learning from new friends and wouldn't trade the experience for anything else. Not even a couple hundred bucks! Keep in mind, I've weeded out the real people versus people who are just there to make noise.

Reasons you should learn Twitter as a tool and the language?
It's simple: you're either choosing to be "in the know" about what people want (social media is one big conversation), what they're interested in and what they're about or you're just there to make noise. Don't be the person who just makes noise. Why not? Click here for the harsh reality.
A good friend of mine, Robert Stanke (Bob Stanke) and I have talked about Twitter the last couple of times we've spoken and we agree that unfortunately, many of the people that are there, are just there to make noise. You have to take the time to weed out those not-so-useful tweeters.

The language (symbols) of Twitter:
# = hashtags
---> What they're for? When you first sign into twitter there's a scrolling list of trending topics. These topics, once in you sign into Twitter have this symbol behind them. Examples: #TigerWoods, #LadyGaGa, #SXSW, and the list goes on and on.
If a topic or word with the hashtag behind it is of interest to you, click on it! It will bring you to another window and you'll be able to click on other tweeps handles and maybe you'll end up wanting to follow them. I tend to talk about @Switchfoot or #Switchfoot a lot as I'm a huge, huge fan.
RT = ReTweet
---> You liked a tweet and you want to share it with those who are following you. Think of it like a silly text message you want to send on to other friends you think might be interested in the message.
@ = the symbol behind the handle
---> @ryanr09 or @RachelRyanPR <-- if you do this and then ask me a question on Twitter, I will receive your tweet but only if I'm following you.

Don't just follow anyone:

I made a BIG mistake, precisely just under four and a half pages long of people I decided were not worth my investment under my "ryanr09" handle. I don't think they care that I unfollowed them or maybe even noticed.

Again, hopefully I didn't miss anything, but if I did or didn't answer a question of yours and you want an answer, leave a comment or e-mail me.

By the way, there's A LIST OF THINGS YOU SHOULD NOT DO ON TWITTER. Follow my advice and your followers will thank you *cough* and me. :)


  1. Thanks for the advice, Rachel. Next, you should do an MSU graduate's advice to us undergrads! :)

    Samantha Schommer

  2. Rachel: This is so awesome. Thank you for taking all the time you did you answer this question for not only must students but ANYONE wondering about "Why twitter?" You are a great alum of MSU.

  3. Thank you! I finally feel more relaxed about using Twitter. I know there is a reason we are learning all of these things, but having someone who has been through the same classes say it makes me feel relieved.
    Thanks for the insight!

    Kirsten Grathwohl
