Thursday, May 20, 2010

New day, "new" light!

Note: I wanted to post about a week ago, but I had to jet off to work and had about 10 minutes to write, insert links and post it. Didn't work as planned and I wrote this on a "whim" so to speak!

I just wanted to give a quick shout out to @SarahKayHoffman. You can also find her here. She gave me inspiration the other day. Just because you have 'down' days, doesn't always mean you should allow life to stay that way for longer than necessary.

I also wanted to give @RobertStanke a shout out. You can also get to know him better here. He was kind enough to listen to an idea that I came up with after he told me about a side project he and Sarah have been communicating back and forth on. He pretty much said, "reach out to Sarah and see what she thinks." So, that's exactly what I did.

Another reason I wanted to give these two a shout out is because I've been 'roughin' it the last couple of days and we're here to support each other and give back. Sometimes we do more than we know for someone else just by mentioning them in a post that will give them a good laugh.

So, here's to Sarah and Bob!

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