This will be the first #RRTweetMeetUp (Rachel Ryan Tweet Meet Up) I host.
Time: TBD
City/State: Savage, MN
Location: Axel's Bonfire
Address: 14120 S. Hwy 13
Web Site:
Before you walk in the door, I will be collecting non-perishable food to bring to the local food shelf. Please have items in a brown paper bag.
I'm working on finding a key note speaker to talk about how we can help dominate and decrease the number of people who struggle to put enough food on the table and often go to bed hungry . . . who knows?! If I run out of time, it might just end up being me!
I'm also going to be working on finding a sponsor so there can be a possible drawing for a gift card at the end! Ideas are still pending.
Not only is it that time of the year where it's time for "giving", but I'd like to create a better New Year for those who struggle daily to not only feed themselves, but their own familes.
Let's make 2010 a better year for those in need!
Thank you for your help and your support!!
In order for me to get a good head count, I'd prefer if you RSVP'ed by leaving a comment letting me know how many people you plan on bringing with you. If it's just yourself, please say "1".
:) I'll be there! Let me know if you need help with anything!!