Friday, December 25, 2009

Time To Live Life Out Loud

A few things I have on mind.

No more just "sitting around" for me. Not that I've really been able to do that much recently since things have started moving in positive directions for me. But it's because of my drive, dedication and stubborness, that I'm even in a place where life has taken a turn for the better and return, it's given me a chance to really . . . spread my wings.

I'm going to stick with the "routine" words now, even though I usually choose to not follow the crowd, but maybe it's time to try following the crowd, yet using my voice as I gain experience in areas that draw me into opportunities that can allow me to help other people achieve their goals?

Original doesn't have to always be boring; you just have to learn when to speak up. :)

1. I'm not breaking any rules here when I say that I have a free membership to @LifeTimeFitness. Go ahead, follow them on Twitter. In fact, you might as well follow @RobertStanke, too, since he's the one (from what I know) that updates the Twitter account.

I want to actually utilize the LTF facility I work at and I want to live a "healthy way of life company." And by gosh by golly, I am an employee, so technically by not taking advantage of what the company has to offer, I'm not leading by our own example. I know how terribly cheesy that sounds.

2. I want to earn my private pilots license.

I have an opportunity not many people have. My StepDad has a 19 seventy-something plane that he bought from his Dad who passed away a while ago. I have the book right behind me, just waiting to get read. My problem? I'm so hands-on, that it's hard to focus and I really need a teacher telling me what to do, or just super good direction, otherwise, I never seem to hang on for long.

3. I began blogging almost one year ago and I had to for participation points for the my Mass Communications Campaigns class. I should blog more often.

4. I have an amazing family who knows me better than I know myself, sometimes. I want to start giving back to them and I'm gonna do my best to do so.

5. Family does come first for me, but friends are good for the soul. That's about all I have to say about that.

6. I want to take actual vacations this year and really start traveling. It'll be a year in May since my last vacation. I just feel better about life when I can get outta town for a little while.

There's more, but that's because there's always self-improvement to be made.

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!

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