Friday, June 5, 2009

Twitter is down, so "The Golden Key" is my topic

I'm doing my best to not bore my readers to death, which is why I'm not blogging very much. I have many things to say, but not always worth others valuable time.

For some, time is money, but not for me. I enjoy getting in touch with my inner thoughts and speaking on behalf of what's really going on, all why trying to be informative.

That "informative" part, might not happen here so just warning you in advance.

I've decided that above all things, no matter how hard you try and no matter how hard you look, how smart you are, or how savvy you are in your ways, sometimes, the doors that are usually just waiting for you to open them, won't.

Though I have The Golden Key, the door that unlocks levels which would not exist otherwise had I not continued my education as I graduated from high school, are failing to open faster than normal.
"It's not about what you know, it's about who you know" couldn't be more true, nowadays.

I believe that most people are honest and we're all trying to help each other get to the next place we most desire to be. There's very few dishonest people in the world and most of us have made embarrassing mistakes that we are not proud to admit, but it's OK. Are you learning from them? That's all that matters.

Moving on.

I had had an idea sitting in the back of my head for quite sometime, only because I was a lifeguard for 3 years and was an assistant teacher for swimming lessons. I loved it. Though I was in college for six years, I continued in my search after graduating looking for jobs I could apply for, not just because I 'wanted a job and would do anything,' but I was looking for a job that fit my personality best.
You can't fool an interviewer as an interviewee. If you think you can, either you're a natural, or you haven't found what makes your heart sing and are allowing yourself to settle for anything but what makes you the happiest.

I typed the job title "lifeguard" into the a Web site search engine I'm currently a member of called LinkedIn ( and looked to see what the outcome of job postings were. *Jaw. Hit. Floor* I noticed that Lifetime Fitness was in the process of hiring, though I didn't know how many people had applied for the same job.
What did I do? What most people are afraid to do -- I called Lifetime and asked to speak with the Aquatics Director.

I told her my background, why I wanted to work for Lifetime and our conversation lasted at least 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes!! And let me just say that I was pumped by the time we were done speaking.

I see myself being in Aquatics, taking classes to become a certified Swim Instructor and staying with this company for quite sometime. Not only this, I can eventually use my Mass Comm degree and put it to good use.

I hope that someday soon, I can be the hero and the "best swim teacher" (according to a future student of mine) while thoroughly enjoying my co-workers, the company I plan on pursuing a career with and the success that will occur each and everyday. Because I've chosen to take on a career in Aquatics, I'm also choosing to save lives and possibly be the swim teacher I've longed to become for the past two years.

What I desire is quite simple: a level of responsibility some may take for grantide and everyday challenges for not only myself, but my future students. This has become my own Golden Key.

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