Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm an expert on being a student, not on life

Thank you for following me, reading my blogs, commenting, caring, supporting and being a great mentor --big or small!

In a sense with Twitter, I'm 'starting over' with my new handle @RachelRyanPR. I'm not deserting "ryanr09" but I am at that point where I want to bring to life and raise awareness of topics, newsworthy stories (what intrigues me as a person) and present that to you. I'll be doing this with local, statewide, national or international news. I'll most likely keep it as local and statewide for now. I might go national* a couple times in 2010.

I'm doing exactly (and hopefully for the most part) what my new twitter handle represents: public relations. But it's on my personable and intrigued terms.

I won't be tweeting much right away with @RachelRyanPR for these reasons:
1) I'm buying a new camera with my taxes, but have yet to physically see the cash. The purchasing will hopefully happen between March 6-14, 2010.
2) My internship and work take up quite a bit of my time, but once April 2010 hits, I'll be more active.
3) City council meetings only happen once a month. #justsayin :)

I do want to keep it fun though! And to do this, I'm taking more vacations* this year and I'll be video blogging those because this is something I really enjoy doing!

I'm also starting my own website, which has yet to even get put together, but I have my own domain now! When those details are more in place, I'll inform you!

Once again, thank you for believing in me because I surely believe in you. You've intrigued me through your insights. There's a reason I follow you too!

"In this needle and haystack life...we are once in life time" -@Switchfoot



  1. Good for you, Rachel! I am excited to see where you take your new "venture"!

  2. Rachel,
    A thousand mile journey always starts with a first step. Kudos for taking command of your life and dreams. #MakeItHappen

  3. So excited to hear about all your new endeavors! Looking forward to sharing in your future success!
